Honduras Proyecto Cabañas Natural

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Funky, tropical, and generally just "yum". This velvety, fruity natural process coffee is the product of a true collective.

The Cabañas Project is an initiative of San Vicente to organize a small group of producers with good quality coffees, located in the municipality of Cabañas, La Paz, Honduras.

Some residents of the Cabañas community began to experiment with coffee cultivation around the year 2000 and when they saw the success in other nearby communities, they started planting the varieties Pacas and Typica.

In 2011 there was an unexpected Roya infection, very strong, that damaged the plants until they were almost dead; Then, the producers, with the help of the Honduran coffee institute, opted to renew the farms with varieties such as Lempira and the Typica and Pacas varieties were abandoned; since then, the Lempira variety has predominated.

In 2012, Proyecto Cabañas began with just 3 producers who met a year before. They installed a pulping machine, and 3 raised beds were installed on a rented plot of land; After all these years, and with the success of the project it has grown little by little, and now they have better wet-mill and drying station with raised beds. They have grown to a group of around 40 producers, most of them are small producers who work their farms with their families.


Cupping Notes:  Strawberry Banana, Milk Chocolate, Yummy

Region:  Cabanas, La Paz

Producer: Proyecto Cabañas, 40 small holders

Elevation:  1650 MASL

Varietal: Lempira, Catuai, Ihcafe 90, Pacas

Process:  Natural