A winning coffee by Alexis Sagastume
This past February in New Orleans, Isaiah placed 2nd overall in the US Barista Regionals Coffee Championships with a Honduran coffee by Alexis Sagastume. With the help of Archetype's roaster, Jason, the two delivered this amazing and delicious coffee to the competition stage. Their achievement was made possible through the dedicated work of the coffee farmer, Alexis Sagastume, who, despite losing his entire crop to a plant-disease called leaf rust in 2011, decided to persevere and replant his field with a hardier, disease resistant coffee varietal. The result was an incredibly unique coffee!
The Honduras coffee by Alexis Sagastume is sweet, clean, and balanced. It has tasting notes of tart red fruits like pomegranate, cranberry or cherry with lemon, hibiscus, and dark chocolate.
At the U.S. National Coffee Championships in Seattle, Isaiah will be serving Alexis' coffee three ways: as an espresso, a milk beverage, and a signature beverage. Pictured here is Isaiah's signature beverage, Smoke & Mirrors. Using dry ice, Isaiah enhanced the aromatics of the beverage, which resulted in a total-sensory drinking experience. (Freaking cool, right!)
The U.S. Coffee Championships will be held April 20-22nd. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for live updates!